Sunday, May 3, 2009

True Friends

The qualities that define a true friend are often difficult to define. We, as human beings, all value different qualities so each person you ask will probably give you different answers. However, one can expect that the most often heard qualities will consist of honesty, trustworthiness and fun. As the spouse of a Marine, I have to move around a lot. It seems that every time I get adjusted to a new duty station and have gotten what I consider to be good friends, we have to up and move and start over. This duty station is not bad and I have been lucky to find people that I am already on track of becoming good friends with. But there are days when I wonder just how good of friends you can really become with some people when you both you know your days are numbered. These new groups I have gotten to know are amazing and they have all welcomed me into their lives and I have tried to do the same. But there are still times when it's obvious that I indeed still am the outsider looking in at the relationships they have already formed. So is the life of a person who constantly knows that they probably won't be in the same place for long, and lasting, comfortable relationships are hard to come by. I think that it is easy to get into the groove of hanging out with the people your Marine works with, because that is who they are closest with. I myself am doing that. But there often is an occasion when you find someone that is not in the same squadron or command as your husband and it is easy to feel like the outsider looking in. So, thank you to all who have welcomed another spouse into your life. I know I thank those that have been doing it for me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My introductory blog!

I've just started blogging, and it's mostly to be able to write down my thoughts for myself. If people are interested by these thoughts, then please, by all means, read! Let me explain the title. Expecting imperfection is a way of saying that I can go with the flow. Nothing is ever perfect. Not my hair, not my make-up, not my life...not even my child (although I will say he's perfect in that he's more than I deserve and could have asked for!)! My relationships aren't perfect, and that's all okay. If you can learn to expect imperfection, then life will be easier. Now I'm not saying set the bar low. You should always shoot for your dreams or whatever it is that you want. But don't expect anything to be perfect. Know that sometimes things don't go according to plan, it might be humid and your hair will look like crap, or it will rain on a day you had planned an outdoor party.

So I'm not a pessimist. I am however, a realist. I love my life and my friends and I have an amazing family. Most of my blogging will be complaining about something or other. Or giving some insight into something I find relevant and important. So thanks for reading.